
You cannot open TC or you are not able to create a new item.
There are Error Messages like “Unexpected Database Management System Error“.


Possible Solution:

Check the size of the tablespace in the Oracle Database. Maybe they are full (IDATA).
Check this with SQLDeveloper (rightclick in database – Manage Database)


Increase tablespace files examples:

alter database tempfile 'D:\plm\oracle\oradata\TCTEST\TEMP01.DBF' resize 2000M;
alter database datafile 'D:\plm\oracle\oradata\TCTEST\SYSAUX01.DBF' resize 512M;
alter database datafile 'D:\plm\oracle\oradata\TCTEST\SYSTEM01.DBF' resize 1000M;
alter database datafile 'D:\plm\oracle\oradata\TCTEST\IDATA01.DBF' resize 2000M;